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Back-to-school time means drivers must use extra caution

On Behalf of | Aug 12, 2023 | Car Accidents

As many Tennessee students head back to school, drivers are likely to see more traffic on the road and encounter more pedestrians in areas near schools. Drivers should be aware of school zones and be extra cautious in areas where children are present. Motorists can help make the roads safer for children going back to school by taking some basic precautions. 

Use extra caution where children are present 

Each year, children are injured while going to and from school due to negligent motorists. Drivers should be aware of areas where children are present, especially in the mornings and afternoons. Bus stops, crosswalks, and school zones are designed to be safe for pedestrians if drivers follow the rules. It’s important for motorists to pay attention to school zone speed limits and to slow down when children are present.   

Maintaining awareness of one’s surroundings and focusing on the road and sidewalks can prevent many accidents. School buses and school zones have flashing lights to alert drivers when children are present so it’s important to be aware of those lights and to slow down or stop when required. When possible, drivers may wish to use alternate routes to avoid school traffic and reduce the chances of accidents in areas near schools. 

Where victims can turn for help 

When a child is injured in an accident caused by a negligent motorist, the child’s family should be aware of their rights. Injured victims may need physical therapy and long-term treatments to recover from the accident. These treatments can be expensive and can significantly burden a Tennessee family. Fortunately, there are legal options for families after a child suffers an injury and the family can seek compensation on behalf of the child to aid in their recovery.  
